The implementation of a national park originated in 1865 in the United States. The biggest difference between an ordinary city park and the national parks was that the influence of human intervention had to be very limited in a national park. Nevertheless, the national parks also had to be accessible to visitors.
A nature reserve must be actively managed in order to maintain it, and that costs money. As an independent foundation, the Park operates a largely (88%) subsidy-independent operation and is therefore almost entirely dependent on income from entrance fees. However, this may differ per park and country, information about entrance rates can always be found on the website of the Park. national park or umbrella organization.
A national park is a park in which the protection of nature comes first, albeit almost always in coordination with human activities (especially recreation, often also forestry, agriculture, hunting and fishing, sometimes mining) in and around the national park.
In the National Parks of the Netherlands, the site managers PWN, Staatsbosbeheer and Natuurmonumenten work together on the management of nature. In other countries, these are similar organizations that work together in the management of national parks.