By moving your nail horizontally over the iron of the skate. If you notice that you have no grip, you know that the skate is blunt. With a sharp skate you notice that a piece of your nail is coming off.
This differs per court, in the case of an indoor court it will in most cases be around 3 à be 5 degrees. This is a perfect temperature where the frictional resistance is as low as possible so that you can skate extremely comfortably as a skater. In a semi-indoor track, the temperature varies more because the hall is open. The temperature at the surface of the ice floor is often around 2 degrees in both cases.
In the Netherlands there are 7 indoor ice rinks, 9 semi-covered rinks, 3 outdoor artificial ice rinks. In addition, if it freezes enough outside, you can use 21 open-air ice rinks. This makes the Netherlands - together with Norway - the country with the most ice rinks. View all skating spots on our map.
The best way to dress is in layers. The layers provide good insulation against cold and moisture. When you get warm faster, you can always take off a layer. The best skating clothing is also tight; not only for aerodynamics, but also to keep you warm.
You can skate all year round on the ice rink in Sportboulevard Dordrecht and the Ireen W'st ice rink.
85 to 90% of people are right-handed and therefore usually right-footed (this is not always the case, of course), but in most cases they are. Your right foot is therefore your preference during push-off, so that you can also apply more force with your right leg than with your left leg and therefore skate faster through the turn.