Nieuwe Luxor Theater - Rotterdam - NederlandSven Peeters - Whado
Nieuwe Luxor Theater  
Cinema in Rotterdam

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Frequently asked question about Cinema

At which cinemas is there an intermission?
According to the Kinepolis website, they hold a break for all films in all cinemas as standard. At the other cinemas, breaks are usually only held for children's films and films longer than 135 minutes.
Can you cancel a movie ticket?
According to the two largest cinema providers (Pathé and Kinepolis), it is possible to cancel tickets according to the right of withdrawal. Of course only possible if the film has not yet been visited.
How many minutes late can you be at the cinema?
The visitor must be present in the room no more than 15 minutes after the start of the film. After these 15 minutes it can reasonably be said that the main film has started and that access to the room can be refused in order to prevent inconvenience to other visitors.
What does a B movie mean?
A B-movie is a film usually released with a relatively smaller budget and (in some cases) with new or unknown actors, a film with little publicity.
What does OV and NV mean for a cinema film?
OV means original version, which means 'undubbed'. Original version, so not spoken translated into Dutch. So is the movie with subtitles. NV therefore means that the film has been 'post-translated'. 
What does 'XD' mean in a movie theater?
An XD experience is a specially developed technique to offer the best sound, image and comfort. The XD is unlike any other local theater or cinema. The XD's silver screen extends from ceiling to floor and wall to wall.
What is the difference between 3D, 4D and XD?
The special 4DX rooms sometimes have up to twenty effects that run synchronously during the movie playback. Including moving seats, weather simulations and even smells. The seats move up and down, side to side and front to back. For example, these movements can give you the feeling of flying or diving.


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Setting Indoor


Nieuwe Luxor Theater location image
  8,348.13 km from Denver, United States

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Some movies are not made to be watched on TV. In a cinema you can watch the latest blockbusters or art house films on a large screen, and enjoy the always impressive cinema sound (and perhaps also a nice date).
More in the category Cinema Bioscoop


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